
Kalyani Shine India (KSI) has been registered under the West Bengal Societies of Registration Act, 1961. It is empowered with highly experienced, eminent scientists, experts, administrators and professionals in different disciplines such as environmental protection, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, bee keeping, sericulture, livestock production, fisheries, organic farming, cottage industries and human resource development. KSI fosters the dissemination of technical know- how and imparting training to skilled and unskilled persons and build capacity especially to promote outreach programmes for socio-economic development at the grass root level below the poverty line. It is enriched with capable manpower, highly experienced experts, and efficient professionals for boosting economy of the rural areas by providing updated technologies, in agriculture, floriculture, bee keeping, sericulture, livestock production, fisheries, organic farming and managing environmental problems using traditional knowledge with low cost options of integrated strategies. Another important endeavor of KSI has been to emphasize arsenic and heavy metal free water supply in the arsenic prone districts of West Bengal. It focuses on management of solid and liquid wastes, vermicomposting, protection and maintenance of biodiversity. In essence, it promotes the concept of wastes into wealth in all dimensions. It also fosters the development of cleaner and safer production and promotes good management practices. It promotes sustainable development by catalyzing actions and building capacities for sound management of chemicals and the improvement of chemical safety in agriculture. Realizing the detrimental impact of global warming and climate change, Kalyani Shine India has launched the awareness programme on the impact of global warming and climate change in agriculture, inland water resources and mitigation options through adoption of climate resilient agriculture and aquaculture, integrated approach of wastewater management, etc.